Dealing with divorce is one of the hardest things you will have to face. Your personal struggle is tough enough to undertake, but you should also go through the due process of filing divorce. This is tough, specifically if you live in a place like New York, where divorce proceedings expect you to know more than merely family law. Consult divorce lawyer Long Island firms offer before making any decisions.

Dissolution of marriage in New York revolves around several chapters of law. Other than family and divorce law, you must also know your rights under commercial, real-estate, bankruptcy, and criminal laws. These may play a vital role once you start discussing child support, custody and visitation rights, spousal support, division of property, and separation. Your Long Island divorce attorney will examine your case and represent your best interests during court appearances, ensuring you reach an agreeable arrangement with your own future ex-spouse. Know some of the areas your lawyer can assist you with.

Estate Division

New york state recognizes your marriage as a partnership of equals, and that means you must divide all marital properties equally in the instance of divorce. Your Long Island divorce lawyer will help establish which estates are marital properties and which of them aren’t. New York laws will not require you to split individual earnings, but you should divide co-mingled assets equally. This can include your marital home and joint bank accounts.


State laws on spousal support are gender-neutral. You may apply for support whether you’re a husband or a wife if your situation requires it. Discuss your present financial standing together with your legal counsel, and examine the properties you may retain and lose after finalizing the divorce. They are going to present your financial standing in court together with your desired alimony. The legal court will factor these in along with other instances, like marital misconduct, and judge a suitable amount.

Custody Of The Children, Visitation and Support

Any court puts a child’s needs when discussing custody and visitation rights. Your personal and financial capacity will be under scrutiny, and the court may grant joint or sole custody depending on your willingness to cooperate together with your spouse as well as your capability to raise children. Speak with your Long Island divorce attorney before moving out of the marital home. Leaving before the court reaches a conclusion jeopardizes the chances of you obtaining custody, and they can suggest steps to protect you and your children as the proceedings progress. They are going to also help you determine reasonable child support.

Uncontested Divorce

Amicable divorces are more common than complicated ones, for the reason that most spouses will reach a mutual agreement. This reduces your expenses and merely requires one lawyer. Your lawyer will prepare and process the essential paperwork to finalize your divorce. The legal court may ask you to appear once or a few times, however it will not be as frequent as it would in a messy separation.

Contact a family attorney in Long Island if you’re planning to dissolve your marriage. They are going to counsel you on each step to facilitate your divorce proceedings and assure you will reach an amicable agreement.

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